Welcome to Department of Public Health

Being a Public Health superhero means improving and saving lives.

How can Public Health change the world?

Our Educational Offer

We train the next generation of professionals in public health by offering state of the art knowledge and experiential learning experiences as part of Bachelor, Masters and PhD Programs in Public Health.

Why Choose Us

Innovative & Original

The first undergraduate program in Public Health taught in English available in Romania and in the Central and Eastern Europe. The program is running within the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University. Established in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, a multicultural environment with a long-standing tradition as a leading academic center.

Comprehensive & Focused

A program that brings an interdisciplinary approach to Public Health, tackling five major fields: Health Policy and Management, Social & Behavioral Health, Epidemiology, Statistics and Occupational and Environmental Health. A program designed to link learning, teaching and research, in a way in which theoretical knowledge can be applied and to allow students to focus on their area of interest.

Outstanding & Revolutionary

Distinctive learning model created to change the face of Romanian higher education. Based on community-oriented programs and activities which combine knowledge and practice, giving students the opportunity to work on the field. Highly competitive and challenging, but supportive and student-oriented, with experienced professionals and mentors who offer a world-class education leading to successful graduates.

Successful & Rewarding

The program provides a window to many opportunities and activities that contribute to both the professional and the personal development of students, as well as various career perspectives and professional opportunities in a new, dynamic and challenging field. There are several academic scholarships (study abroad scholarships, internships) available each year for our students.

The College of Political, Administrative & Communication Sciences is part of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and it is known as one of the youngest and most dynamic faculty. The mission of the faculty is to form professionals in political, administrative and communication domain, trying to form a strong bond, based on efficiency and utility, between education and labor market.
College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
Babeș-Bolyai University: UBB is the leading public institution of higher education in Romania. With a history that dates as far back as 1579 and head-quartered in Cluj-Napoca, it is the largest university in Romania, with an estimated 40,000 students. It has colleges in 18 different cities throughout Romania.
Babeș-Bolyai University

Institutional Affiliations

The European Public Health Association is an umbrella organisation for public health associations and institutes in Europe. EUPHA was founded in 1992 by 15 members (12 countries). Today, it spans members from 47 countries, bringing together around 19’000 public health experts for professional exchange and collaboration throughout Europe. We encourage a multidisciplinary approach to public health. EUPHA aims to improve health and well-being, and narrow health inequalities for all Europeans by facilitating a strong voice of the public health network, by enhancing visibility of the evidence and by strengthening the capacity of public health professionals.
EUPHA - European Public Health Association
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is the key independent European organisation dedicated to improving and protecting the public health by strengthening education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. The main functions of the Association are: To support the professionalisation of the public health workforce in Europe, whilst respecting the diversity of national and regional contexts in which each school of public health operates, and thus: To sustain capacity building in public health, so that it balances with national and European population health challenges and threats, and is supported by best standards of public health education and training, scientific research, and practice.
ASPHER - Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region
European Health Management Association (EHMA) serve as a not-for-profit membership organisation open to all those committed to improving health and healthcare. With focus on actions on health management capacity and capabilities and aim to support the successful implementation of health policy and practice where possible. Through efforts, they make a difference across Europe to improve health for all citizens.
EHMA - European Health Management Association
HEPA Europe is a network which works for better health and wellbeing in the WHO European Region through more physical activity for all people. Its mission is to provide a forum for the advancement of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) research, policy and practice across the WHO European region. Being a WHO/Europe network, it is consistent with the goals of WHO programmes on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, as well as on Transport and Health. Their guiding principles include: population-based approaches for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity using the best available scientific evidence, the encouragement of exchange, dissemination and sharing of experience and knowledge, and support of cooperation, partnerships and collaboration with other related sectors and networks.
HEPA Europe - European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity


În urma concursului pentru ocuparea poziției de Lector, poziția 10, organizat de Departamentul de Sănătate Publică, Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării, rezultatul este următorul:

Nr. Crt. Nr. Dosar candidat Notă
10 (zece)

Președinte comisie de concurs,
Conf. Univ. Dr. Marius-Ionuț UNGUREANU

Afișat Vineri, 31 Ianuarie, ora 13.15