
Bachelor - Semester I

Year I

Introduction to Public Health (6 ECTS)
Scientific Writing (5 ECTS)
Introduction to Research Methods (5 ECTS)
Health Systems (6 ECTS)
English (3 ECTS)
Biological Basis of Disease (5 ECTS)

Year II

Economics (6 ECTS)
Administration Science (5 ECTS)
Public policy (6 ECTS)
Professional practice (3 ECTS)
Health Promotion (5 ECTS)
Optional Course (5 ECTS)

Year III

BA Capstone (6 ECTS)
Implementation Science (6 ECTS)
Healthcare protocols and standards (5 ECTS)
Ethics (6 ECTS)
Advanced Research Methods (7 ECTS)

Bachelor - Semester I​I

Year I

Statistics (5 ECTS)
Qualitative research methods (5 ECTS)
Epidemiology (6 ECTS)
Professional practice (3 ECTS)
English (3 ECTS)
Computer Basics (4 ECTS)

Year II

Digital health and innovation (5 ECTS)
Violence and injury prevention (6 ECTS)
Mental health (6 ECTS)
Professional practice (3 ECTS)
Optional course (5 ECTS)
Optional Course (5 ECTS)

Year III

IT and Health Services (6 ECTS)
M-Health (6 ECTS)
Healthcare Management (7 ECTS)
Health and the Environment (6 ECTS)
Health Geography and GIS (5 ECTS)

Master - Semester I

Year I

Behavioral change theories and models (7 ECTS)
Foundations of public health (7 ECTS)
Biological basis of public health (6 ECTS)
Basic principles and methods of epidemiology (6 ECTS)
Public health law (4 ECTS)

Year II

Comunity Based Public Health (7 ECTS)
Introduction to Environmental Health (7 ECTS)
Maternal and Child Health (6 ECTS)
Comparative Health Systems (6 ECTS)
Communication and Public Health (4 ECTS)

Master - Semester II

Year I

Health innovation (6 ECTS)
Program development in heath promotion and communication (7 ECTS)
Foundations for research methods in public health (7 ECTS)
Introduction to Public Health and Ageing (6 ECTS)
Violence and injury prevention (4 ECTS)

Year II

Public Health Practice (14 ECTS)
Global Health (4 ECTS)
Internship (12 ECTS)