Electronic-cigarettes (e-cigs) and Heat-Not-Burn-Products (HNBPs) among Romanian young adults aged 18-25: knowledge, attitudes, and hypothetical purchase tasks to evaluate behavioral economic demand for these products

The use of electronic devices that deliver nicotine, such as e-cigs and HNBPs, has increased in recent years, especially in young adults. Although there is limited information on the health effects of the consumption of these products, all studies conducted on these reported high concentrations of toxic substances.

This research brings something new to the national literature by conducting the purchase task on these products. The study focuses on 100 Romanian young adults and aims to evaluate: (1) their general knowledge and attitudes regarding e-cigs and HNBPs and (2) their behavior in a hypothetical purchase task and (3) to assess the behavioral economic demand for these products. The hypothetical purchase task is used to identify the economic threshold (price/product) that would change the overall decisional process of the purchase behavior for these products in young adults in Romania. 

Starting / Ending Date

December 2020 – July 2021

Project Coordinator

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca – Romania


Funder: Babeș-Bolyai University
Grant Number: 35777/9.12.2020
Total Amount: 9.900 RON

Staff from Department of Public Health

Assistant Professor